Wednesday 18 September 2013

China Sonangol International: Providing for communities and the less-fortunate

China Sonangol is a significant contributor to the improvement of community development and supports the revonation and construction of schools, kindergartens and hospitals around the regions in which we invest. Following our business values and corporate social responsibility, China Sonangol also supports numerous charitable works scattered throughout the different communities we undertake our business.

Our dedication to sustainable, effective and environmentally friendly development, as well as the stability of Angola is at the very centre of our organization’s philosophy. This commitment to providing for communities, charities and non-profit organizations is evident in the annual budget set aside for investment in community projects.

China Sonangol is working tirelessly towards providing better conditions and an improved quality of life for the development of Angola by supporting projects in education, the arts, sports, science and the environment.

Commitment to the Community
As well as being the largest contributor to the State's budget, the China Sonangol International oil company has undertaken the responsibility of implementing a vast number of social projects in an effort termed, "Together with the Community".

Cabinda is the province that has benefited the most from more than thrity community projects aimed at improving society. In 2003 alone, more than six million dollars were generously donated to community organization’s in an effort to provide much needed financial support in areas related to public health, education, culture, sports and agriculture.

Social Policies
Improving the quality of life, especially housing, of our employees is a continuous matter for consideration by our Administration Council. Because of this, they allocated resources for building housing.

To supervise the construction of housing complexes, "GEPA" and "NOVOS BAIRROS", a "social project committee" was created. The new housing projects are being built at Morro Bento, Corimba and Golfe-Camama.

In 200O "Cooperativa Cajueiro, Sociedade Cooperativa de Responsabilidade Limitada" was established to minimize the housing problems of our employees.

At China Sonangol it is vital to the entire operation of our business that we give back to the regions we invest in and undertake our business. By ensuring we provide for local communities we can ensure a prosperous future, not just for our organization, but society as a whole.

For further information on some of the great work China Sonangol is carrying out to provide for and benefit local communities, charities and the environment, please visit our website:


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  2. I really like your post. Please send me an email. :)
